Library Policies & FAQs
Discover more about our volunteer program, library card guidelines, and image usage policies here. You can also download the volunteer and library card applications from this page.
In order to issue you a card, we need to see a photo I.D. with your correct address on it. If your photo I.D. is not current, you will need to provide some other proof of address, such as a piece of mail, your vehicle registration, or your water bill.
Nope, it’s free. If you lose your card, however, a replacement card costs $1.
In order to get their own card, we ask that young library users be able to provide the following information without any help from the guardians: Full name, address, telephone number, and birthdate (including birth year).
Sorry, but no. Only legal guardians have the authority to let their children get cards. However, we can give you a form that the guardians can fill out and you can return to the library that will enable the kids to get cards. Just ask at the desk.
You can use your library card at any of the libraries in the High Plains Library District. For a full list of libraries and locations, please visit the High Plains web site at
Yes! If you check out books from any other High Plains library, you can return them here and we’ll send them back to their library “homes.” If you check out materials from libraries that are not in the district (like Loveland or Fort Collins), we prefer that you return the books to those libraries yourself.
We limit each residential card holder to 50 items total. The total limit of all media items (DVDs, TV series, music CDs) is 15 per card. The total limit of audiobooks is 15 per card.
Good news! Unless you are late, we do not charge fines. If you keep your items a couple of months beyond your due date, you will get a bill, however.
We no longer charge fines for movies unless they are roughly a month late.
Absolutely! You can go online to the High Plains Library District web site ( and renew them yourself or we can renew them for you by phone.
No, but you can go to the High Plains Library District web site and use the catalog there:

Volunteer With Us!
We welcome volunteers of all ages! If you or someone you know is interested, contact us to learn about our current needs. While we have year-round opportunities, our greatest need is during the Summer Reading Program. To apply, submit a completed Volunteer Application at the Circulation Desk. Please note that submitting an application does not guarantee a volunteer position, as spots are limited.
Volunteer slots are limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Patrons interested in volunteering during our Summer Reading Program must submit their Volunteer Application by April 30.
Get a Library Card!
Library cards are available for all ages. Children 18 and under need parental permission. If you can’t accompany them, please complete and sign the Library Card Application below and send it with your child. To obtain a library card, submit a completed Library Card Application with a photo ID showing your current address. If your ID lacks your current address, provide a second form of ID with the correct address. Click here for the full list of acceptable IDs.
A completed Library Card Application and Photo ID with your current address is required to obtain a library card.
Teachers planning to bring their class to the library can have parents fill out these applications in advance so we can issue cards to the students.

Image Usage Policy
Your attendance at Glenn A. Jones M.D. Memorial Library sponsored events grants the library permission to take, use, reuse and publish photographs, images and video in library promotional content and publications, including but not limited to: print, digital, website, presentations, and social media.
By attending Glenn A. Jones M.D. Memorial Library sponsored events, you understand that no royalty, fee, or other compensation shall be payable to you by reason of such use.
Your attendance releases and discharges Glenn A. Jones M.D. Memorial Library, its governing agencies, employees, representatives, and other related parties from any and all claims, demands, causes or action, and costs of any nature arising from or related to the use, re-use, and publication of the aforsaid images, including but not limited to claims for libel.
No personal and/or identifying information will be released to the public without your expressed permission. If you do not wish to have your picture taken, please speak to the library director, or the person in charge.